Challenge: Social Media

There is no doubt that social media is a wonderful tool to keep us connected to those we love! However, what does one do when it seems that social media has gotten a bit out of control and has become consuming?

It is something we are passionate about here at Blue Ridge Women’s Center, and that is: set boundaries!

Here are a few examples of setting social media boundaries:

  • Limiting how much time you spend on social media daily.  (Example: 1 hour)
  • Designate places for social media, such as, in the living room. Try to avoid using social media once you are in bed and at the dinner table.
  • Unfollow accounts on social media that do not promote your own well-being. Even if they are a family member, protect your life from negativity.
  • Take a social media detox every three months.
  • Remember social media is not private. Be careful with what you post.

Setting boundaries with your social media will give you more time to not only focus on yourself but will also allow for more time with those around you who are close to you. While it will look differently for everyone, it may allow for more time at the park with your children. Or, maybe it means more time to enjoy a date night with your partner. The possibilities are endless, but one thing is guaranteed: when social media fades from being a priority, you will feel more present in the moment you are truly living in.

Will you accept the challenge to set social media boundaries?



Our Mission

Over 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned, leaving many women feeling alone and uncertain of her future. By providing a safe environment to be heard and supported, Blue Ridge Women’s Center equips women to make an informed decision for her and her family.

Our Hours

Monday | 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday | 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM
Wednesday | 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday | 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM
Friday  | 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

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All Rights Reserved

Blue Ridge Women’s Center does not perform or refer for pregnancy terminations (abortion), but is committed to offering accurate information to empower women to make a fully-informed decision. Our services are not intended to be a substitute for routine or emergency medical care. Individuals who believe they are experiencing a medical emergency should call 9-1-1 and seek care from the nearest emergency room.